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فتح رمز مميز لمدة أسبوع: ZETA وMAV يفتحان 10% من إجمالي التداول، وSUI يفتحان أكثر من $100 مليون

تحليلمنذ 5 أشهر发布 6086 سنًا...
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Next week, 15 projects will have token unlocking events. ZETA and MAV will have huge amounts unlocked, while the remaining tokens will have small amounts unlocked.

One-week token unlocking: ZETA and MAV unlock 10% of the total circulation, and SUI unlocks over 0 million

زيتا تشين

مشروع تويتر: https://twitter.com/zetablockchain

الموقع الرسمي للمشروع: https://www.zetachain.com/

Number of unlocked tokens this time: 54.74 million

Amount unlocked this time: Approximately 40.67 million US dollars

ZetaChain is a foundational public blockchain that enables full-chain, universal smart contracts and messaging between any blockchain. ZetaChain aims to build a fluid multi-chain crypto ecosystem. These “full-chain” smart contracts can send data and value between connected blockchains, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polygon, and more.

ZETA is in a period of rapid release, mainly unlocking 26.26 million (US$18.49 million) and 18.67 million (US$13.15 million) ZETA consultants. Other amounts include US$3.7 million for ecosystem growth, US$1.85 million for user growth, and US$770,000 for liquidity incentives.

منحنى الإصدار المحدد هو كما يلي:

One-week token unlocking: ZETA and MAV unlock 10% of the total circulation, and SUI unlocks over 0 million


مشروع تويتر: https://twitter.com/mavprotocol

الموقع الرسمي للمشروع: https://www.mav.xyz/

Number of unlocked tokens this time: 39.83 million

Amount unlocked this time: Approximately 9.56 million US dollars

Maverick is a composable decentralized financial infrastructure that enables builders and liquidity providers to achieve high capital efficiency and execute their desired liquidity provision (LP) strategies. MAV is the native utility token of the Maverick protocol and can be used for governance and voting.

MAV started to be released at a high speed, but the total market value was small. Investors unlocked 30 million tokens, worth $7.13 million; consultants unlocked 6.4 million tokens, worth $1.52 million.

منحنى الإصدار المحدد هو كما يلي:

One-week token unlocking: ZETA and MAV unlock 10% of the total circulation, and SUI unlocks over 0 million


مشروع تويتر: https://twitter.com/SuiNetwork

الموقع الرسمي للمشروع: https://sui.io/

Number of unlocked tokens this time: 68.79 million

Amount unlocked this time: Approximately US$110 million

Sui is one of the earliest projects in the Meta public chain, developed by the Mysten Labs team. Sui aims to create an environmentally friendly, low-cost, high-throughput, low-latency permissionless blockchain. Compared with traditional blockchains, Suis most critical innovation lies in Suis data model and transaction processing channel.

Suis current circulation ratio is 27%, and it is in the fastest unlocking period. This round of unlocking includes 19.84 million Sui (US$32.73 million) from Series A financing, 19.32 million Sui (US$31.88 million) from Series B financing, 12.63 million Sui (US$20.84 million) from community reserves, 10.34 million Sui (US$17.06 million) from early contributors, and 2.07 million Sui (US$3.41 million) from the Mysten Labs treasury.

منحنى الإصدار المحدد هو كما يلي:

One-week token unlocking: ZETA and MAV unlock 10% of the total circulation, and SUI unlocks over 0 million

This article is sourced from the internet: One-week token unlocking: ZETA and MAV unlock 10% of the total circulation, and SUI unlocks over $100 million

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