比特幣飆升超出預期,創下歷史新高,今天達到 $70,330。較開盤價 $66,870 大幅上漲 5%,令加密貨幣市場對未來充滿猜測。
這次飆漲源自於比特幣突破 10 分鐘圖表上的上升三角形。這種技術模式強調了數位貨幣的看漲勢頭,並暗示即將出現更多成長。
事實上,這種看漲的技術形態預計目標為 $71,500。
Experts are keenly observing these developments, noting the significant upside potential Bitcoin displays.
其中,Fundstrat 的 Tom Lee 大膽預測比特幣可能會創下 $150,000 的歷史新高。考慮到比特幣的彈性表現和經過驗證的超出預期的能力,這種樂觀情緒並非沒有根據。
“Sometime in the next 12 or 18 months, Bitcoin can be over $150,000… BlackRock seeing $800 million in inflows. I think as long as there is strong spot demand and aren’t eager sellers, you do have a market that is out of balance, that there is too much demand for Bitcoin, not enough supply created through the block reward,” Lee said.
了解更多:2024 / 2025 / 2030 年比特幣價格預測