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Written at the time of Trumps attack: Crypto assets are the key to the era of chaos

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Original author: Sima Linwei, editor-in-chief of DeThings

We are already in an era of chaos.

The concept of the Chaos Era originated from Liu Cixins science fiction novel The Three-Body Problem. In the novel, the Chaos Era refers to a catastrophic era in the Three-Body civilization caused by the chaos in the movement of three stars. In recent years, this concept has been extended to the real world to describe the turmoil and uncertainty in our current society.

Since the late 1970s, people have felt the golden age of a new round of high economic growth led by Chinas participation in the process of globalization. This inertia of peace and phát triển makes it easy for contemporary people to forget the proportion of the era of chaos in the long history of mankind.

Trumps attack is a characteristic of the Age of Troubles. Looking back at American history, every assassination of a president occurred during a turbulent time. These incidents are not only personal tragedies, but also a microcosm of the times.

In 1865, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated at Ford鈥檚 Theatre during the American Civil War. The Civil War was a huge conflict over slavery and national unity. This war not only reshaped the political landscape of the United States, but also profoundly affected all aspects of American society. Lincoln was assassinated shortly after the surrender of the Southern Army. The war was over, but the chaos was not over.

In 1963, John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. At that time, the United States was at the height of the Cold War, and there was tremendous pressure at home and abroad. The civil rights movement was in full swing at home, and the United States was facing the red threat from the Soviet Union internationally. Kennedys assassination shocked the world. The United States had become a well-deserved world leader after the war. The assassination of a world leader marked the end of an idealistic era and revealed the complex situation during the Cold War.

In 1981, Ronald Reagan was shot in Washington, D.C. At the time, the United States was experiencing severe economic stagnation, with high inflation and unemployment. The Reagan administration tried to pull the country out of the quagmire through a series of economic reforms. Reagans assassination was unsuccessful, but the mentally ill man who assassinated the president for love highlighted the economic turmoil and social anxiety behind that era.

In the Age of Chaos, Humanity鈥檚 Demand for Super-Sovereign Currency and Digital Resources

Behind Trumps assassination is the crisis of neoliberalism around the world. In the first two decades of the 21st century, the wave of globalization swept the world, and exchanges and cooperation in the economic, cultural and technological fields of various countries reached unprecedented heights. However, as time goes by, the process of globalization has also begun to face severe challenges. Ideological divisions and unbalanced development have led to the emergence of a trend of deglobalization. Many countries have turned to an inward-looking development model, nationalism and protectionism have risen, and the fragility of the global supply chain has become increasingly exposed.

This anti-globalization trend has not only affected global trade and investment, but also had a profound impact on the financial system. The inconsistency of economic policies among governments has exacerbated the volatility of the currency market, and the traditional monetary system is facing unprecedented pressure. People are beginning to realize that the existing financial system cannot cope with the increasingly complex and turbulent global environment, and there is an urgent need to find a new and more stable form of currency.

Antiques in prosperous times, gold in troubled times. In the past, the US dollar was recognized as the worlds currency, gold was one of the most widely recognized anti-inflation assets, and oil was the lifeblood of industry. But in an era where the digitalization process is irreversible and AI is advancing by leaps and bounds, peoples demand for hedging tools that are sovereign, settled in real time, and circulated globally is natural.

The concept of super-sovereign currency is a product of this demand. Bitcoin and other encrypted assets are decentralized digital currencies that are not controlled by any institution or individual. They are mathematical copies of precious metals and also have the characteristics of scarce digital resources. Their emergence not only challenges the traditional financial system, but also provides a new option for global investors.

A key in the era of chaos

The technical characteristics of crypto assets naturally meet this demand. First, blockchain technology ensures the transparency and immutability of crypto assets. Every transaction is recorded on the blockchain and maintained and verified by all nodes in the network, which makes the transaction process open, transparent and difficult to tamper with.

Secondly, the decentralized nature of crypto assets avoids many problems in the traditional financial system. In the traditional financial system, central banks and financial institutions have a high degree of control over the issuance and circulation of currency. This centralized control is prone to policy errors and abuse of power. Crypto assets achieve decentralized management through distributed networks, reducing the risk of human intervention.

In addition, the limited supply of crypto assets and the algorithm-controlled issuance mechanism also effectively avoid the problem of inflation. Take Bitcoin as an example, its total amount is limited to 21 million, which makes it potentially resistant to inflation. In contrast, the legal currencies of many countries face serious inflation problems due to the unrestrained money printing policy.

Although crypto assets have shown great potential in investment and value storage, their application in the payment field still faces many challenges. However, with the continuous advancement of technology and the expansion of application scenarios, breakthroughs in crypto assets in payment can be expected.

In recent years, more and more merchants and servđá providers have begun to accept cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin as a means of payment, especially in areas of economic stagnation. These attempts and explorations have laid the foundation for the popularization of crypto assets in the payment field. Crypto assets can not only improve the efficiency and security of payments, but also reduce the cost and time of cross-border payments. Traditional cross-border payments usually require multiple intermediaries, with high fees and long processing times. Cross-border payments with crypto assets can achieve direct point-to-point transfers, greatly simplifying the payment process and reducing costs.

Once crypto assets can achieve breakthroughs in the payment field and become a common payment tool in peoples daily lives, their potential as a key in the chaotic era will be fully released. In this turbulent era, Bitcoin and other crypto assets provide a new possibility of safe assets and hedging tools, while Web3 provides a new trust mechanism and social construction method.

Liên kết gốc

This article is sourced from the internet: Written at the time of Trumps attack: Crypto assets are the key to the era of chaos

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