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Chain Game Weekly Report | MATR1X FIRE restarts mining test; CHAMP weekly increase exceeds 270% (11.25-12.01)

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Chain Game Weekly Report | MATR1X FIRE restarts mining test; CHAMP weekly increase exceeds 270% (11.25-12.01)

Blockchain oyun sektörünün ikincil piyasa performansı

As of today, according to Coingecko data, the Gaming (GameFi) sector has increased by 16.4% in the past week; mevcut toplam piyasa değeri $ 28,697,426,183 , ranking 41st in the sector ranking, down four places from the total market value sector ranking last week. In the past week, the number of tokens in the GameFi sector has increased from 605 to 610, with 5 projects added, ranking Sektör sıralamasında 5. sırada, DeFi, NFT, Meme ve Finans/Bankacılık sektörlerinden sonra ikinci sırada yer alıyor.

Among the 610 gaming projects that have issued tokens, 91 projects have seen positive growth, and 30 projects have seen weekly growth of more than 20%. Among them, Super Champs project token CHAMP led the growth with a 278.2% increase. In addition, several other projects that have received attention are as follows:

OL broke through $0.2, with an increase of 165.6% in the past 7 days, and the current token price is $0.218; PRIME broke through $13, with an increase of 50.6% in the past 7 days, and the current token price is $13.33; MEMEFI increased by 44.4%, and the current token price is $0.0079; RON increased by 30.0%, and the current token price is $2.28; NAKA increased by 27.5%, and the current token price is $1.46; GALA increased by 21.9%, and the current token price is $0.046; IMX increased by 19.8%, and the current token price is $2.06; XAI increased by 18.1%, and the current token price is $0.38.

Blockchain oyun NFT'leri açısından, NFT Price Foor verilerine göre, oyun sektöründeki NFT'lerin taban fiyatı şu şekilde arttı: 29.99% in the past 7 days, sektörde dördüncü sırada yer alıyor. Bunların arasında, en büyük işlem hacmine sahip oyun NFT'si 7 days is Otherside Koda, with a 7- günlük artış 145.69%, the current floor price is 1.80 ETH, and the 7- day trading volume is 144.03 ETH. In addition, the 7-day trading volume of Parallel Avatars is 96.26 ETH, with an increase of 99.67% in the past 7 days, and the current floor price is 0.60 ETH.

In terms of weekly activity of blockchain games, according to DappRadar data, the number of weekly active addresses of League of Legends is 1.82 million, a weekly increase of 37.56%; the number of weekly active addresses of World of Dypians is 706,000, a weekly decrease of 0.22%; the number of weekly active addresses of Treasure Ship Game is 564,000, a weekly increase of 2097.46%.

Tanınmış oyun dinamik takibi


Chain Game Weekly Report | MATR1X FIRE restarts mining test; CHAMP weekly increase exceeds 270% (11.25-12.01)

Resmi internet sitesi: https://www.matr1x.io/

Giriş: MATR1X, kendi geliştirdiği yüksek kaliteli oyunlar veya üçüncü taraflarla iş birliği, oyun IP geliştirme iş birliği, küresel e-spor etkinlikleri vb. yoluyla MATR1X markasını oluşturmayı planlayan bir metaverse markasıdır. MATR1X, oyun üçlemesini (Cyber Earth – Mars Immigration – Interstellar Exploration) birleşik bir dünya görüşüne sahip üç büyük ölçekli oyun aracılığıyla yorumlayacaktır: MATR1X FIRE (birinci şahıs nişancı), MATR1X WAR (nişancı + MMORPG) ve MATR1X EVOLUTION (SOC).

Son haberler: MATR1X FIRE has restarted mining testing, and the game is now available for download and service. According to the official MATR1X X news, this new version brings multiple updates to enhance the player experience. The most important update is the character NFT breeding function, which allows players to generate new character NFTs by consuming FIRE and fire, adding more gameplay and strategies.

In addition, the VIP mining system has also been officially launched, which will increase players mining income and encourage long-term participation; the mining time has been optimized, and the time required for players to obtain the same mining income has been shortened by one third. Another highlight is the in-game trading house, where players can use diamonds and FIRE to trade NFT props such as characters, weapons, and treasure chests to promote the circulation of the in-game economy. It is worth mentioning that Web2 players can use diamonds to purchase in-game NFT props, thereby gradually transforming into Web3 asset users and further expanding the player base. It is reported that the trading house function will be gradually opened in the next version.

İlgili bağlantı: https://twitter.com/Matr1x Official/status/1862109722771615805

Vahşi orman

Chain Game Weekly Report | MATR1X FIRE restarts mining test; CHAMP weekly increase exceeds 270% (11.25-12.01)

Resmi internet sitesi: https://playwildforest.io/

Giriş: Wild Forest, Ronin ekosisteminde ücretsiz bir gerçek zamanlı strateji blok zinciri oyunudur. Oyunda bir arenaya benzer bir PvP modu vardır. Oyunun başında sadece boş bir üs vardır. Oyuncuların, rakibine hükmedene ve onu fethedene kadar hızla binalar veya kışlalar inşa etmeleri gerekir. Düşman üssünü ilk yok eden oyuncu kazanır.

Latest news: According to official news, the blockchain game Wild Forest announced that it will launch the WF community round public sale on Ronin Launchpad next week. The purchase period will start at 22:00 on December 5th, Beijing time, and end at 22:00 on December 6th. It is open to RON Stakers, selected KOLs and Impossible Finance community members. 44 million tokens will be issued during the community round, with a price of $0.045 per token.

İlgili bağlantı: https://blog.roninchain.com/p/wild-forests-wf-token-community-rounds

Big Time

Chain Game Weekly Report | MATR1X FIRE restarts mining test; CHAMP weekly increase exceeds 270% (11.25-12.01)

Resmi internet sitesi: https://www.bigtime.gg/

Giriiş: Big Time is a multiplayer action role-playing game (RPG) for PC that combines fast combat with an open game economy. Players actively generate and exchange game items. The game seamlessly integrates Web3 elements to ensure that these elements do not affect the entertainment experience, thereby attracting a wider audience.

Latest News: Big Time Studios announced that the NFT video game Big Time will release its player versus player (PvP) mode on December 2nd.

İlgili bağlantı: https://decrypt.co/293490/big-time-studios-sets-december-2-as-the-launch-of-the-new-pvp-mode-for-2024s-most-successful-nft-video-game-big-time


Chain Game Weekly Report | MATR1X FIRE restarts mining test; CHAMP weekly increase exceeds 270% (11.25-12.01)

Resmi internet sitesi: https://www.runesoul.com/

Introduction: Runesoul is a Web3 ARPG blockchain game that aims to combine the on-chain economic system with high-quality game content to attract global players and blockchain community users.

Latest news: According to official news, the Web3 ARPG chain game Runesoul announced that it has completed a $1 million seed round of financing with a valuation of $20 million. This round of financing was jointly invested by Accelbyte and IGC.

İlgili bağlantı: https://www.odaily.news/newsflash/404282

Blockchain oyun endüstrisinde dikkat çeken diğer gelişmeler

MapleStory Evreni

Chain Game Weekly Report | MATR1X FIRE restarts mining test; CHAMP weekly increase exceeds 270% (11.25-12.01)

Resmi internet sitesi: https://msu.io/

Giriş: MapleStory'nin blockchain versiyonu olan MapleStory Universe, bir MMORPG oyunudur. Ana şirketi, MapleStory ve KartRider gibi klasik çevrimiçi oyunlar geliştiren Güney Koreli bir oyun devi olan Nexon'dur. Nexon'un Aralık 2023'te MapleStory evrenini genişletmek için Web3 oyun projesi MapleStory'ye $100 milyon yatırım yapacağını duyurduğunu belirtmekte fayda var. Yatırım, blockchain tabanlı devasa çok oyunculu çevrimiçi rol yapma oyunu geliştirmek için kullanılacak.

Latest developments: According to official information, the second Pioneer test ended on November 29 and will enter the Gear Up NOW phase starting this week.

İlgili bağlantı: https://twitter.com/MaplestoryU/status/1862098265644335340

Uzaylı Dünyalar

Chain Game Weekly Report | MATR1X FIRE restarts mining test; CHAMP weekly increase exceeds 270% (11.25-12.01)

Resmi internet sitesi: https://alienworlds.io/

Giriş: Alien Worlds, WAX zincirinde bir NFT metaverse projesidir. Oyun temeli, staking, Planet DAO, oyun kartları ticareti ve zincirler arası köprüleri içerir.

Latest developments: Blockchain game Alien Worlds issued a reminder on X: Please be vigilant. Harmful fake NFT series are making a comeback, targeting unsuspecting buyers. Before purchasing any NFT, please check carefully to make sure it comes from an official and verified series.

İlgili bağlantı: https://x.com/AlienWorlds/status/1863085621222277296

Nifty Island

Chain Game Weekly Report | MATR1X FIRE restarts mining test; CHAMP weekly increase exceeds 270% (11.25-12.01)

Resmi internet sitesi: https://www.niftyisland.com/

Description: Nifty Island is a free social gaming world that has partnered with other NFT communities in the past, such as Sappy Seals and Pudgy Gaming.

Latest news: According to official news, users who hold ai16z or degenai tokens can now use ai16z avatars to play games in Nifty Island.

İlgili bağlantı: https://twitter.com/Nifty_Island/status/1862568539346911627

This article is sourced from the internet: Chain Game Weekly Report | MATR1X FIRE restarts mining test; CHAMP weekly increase exceeds 270% (11.25-12.01)

İlgili: L1 varlıkları nasıl doğru şekilde değerlendirilir?

Sam Kazemian, Frax Finance tarafından yazılan orijinal makale Orijinal çeviri: Alex Liu, Foresight News Özellikle son zamanlardaki AI memecoin çılgınlığıyla birlikte kriptodaki farklı varlıkların nasıl değerlendirileceği hakkında çok fazla konuşuldu, ancak en önemli kripto varlıklarını değerlendirme yaklaşımım hakkında konuşmak istiyorum: L1 token'ları ve "Tip 2" (dapp/L2/"sermaye" token'ları). L1 token'larının sistematik olarak kimsenin açıklamadığı gizemli bir L1 primi vardır. Birçok kişi bunun spekülatif bir Ponzi şeması olduğunu düşünür, ancak tam tersi doğrudur. L1 primi çok önemli ve temel bir özelliktir. L1 varlıkları (ETH, SOL, NEAR, TRX, vb.) blok zinciri ekonomisine karşılık gelen egemen kıt varlıklardır. Doğal olarak zincir ekonomisindeki en likit varlıklar haline gelirler. Diğer projeler onu biriktirir, onunla ürünler/DeFi oluşturur ve…

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