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Mt.Gox 95.457 bitcoini geri ödedi ve dört geri ödemenin tamamı piyasada düşüşlere neden oldu

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On July 31, 2024, the Mt. Gox exchange issued an announcement stating that the trustee repaid some creditors in the form of Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash through some designated cryptocurrency exchanges on July 5, 16, 24 and 31 in accordance with the compensation plan. To date, more than 17,000 creditors have been repaid.

Mt.Gox 95.457 bitcoini geri ödedi ve dört geri ödemenin tamamı piyasada düşüşlere neden oldu

Image: Announcement released by Mt.Gox Exchange

According to data from, Mt.Gox has repaid 95,457 of the total 141,619 bitcoins, with a total value of up to US$6.16 billion, accounting for 67% of the total.

Mt.Gox executed compensation through a total of five exchanges, namely Bitbank, SBI VC Trade, Kraken, Bitstamp, and BitGo. Since the first four exchanges had already received bitcoins from Mt.Gox before July 31, the address that received 33,963 bitcoins on that day was most likely BitGo.

Mt.Gox 95.457 bitcoini geri ödedi ve dört geri ödemenin tamamı piyasada düşüşlere neden oldu

Image: Distribution of Mt.Gox repayment funds




Mt.Gox 95.457 bitcoini geri ödedi ve dört geri ödemenin tamamı piyasada düşüşlere neden oldu

In the compensation carried out by Mt.Gox Exchange in July, the virtual currency market was greatly affected. According to, on the day of compensation and the next day, the price of Bitcoin fell to varying degrees, with a drop of between 4% and 8%.

Mt.Gox 95.457 bitcoini geri ödedi ve dört geri ödemenin tamamı piyasada düşüşlere neden oldu

In order to monitor the changes in funds in the remaining addresses of the Mt.Gox exchange, iChainfo Search launched the Mt.Gox special page (, which displays the fund balances and latest transactions of Mt.Gox related addresses.

Mt.Gox 95.457 bitcoini geri ödedi ve dört geri ödemenin tamamı piyasada düşüşlere neden oldu

This article is sourced from the internet: Mt.Gox has repaid 95,457 bitcoins, and all four repayments caused market declines

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