SignalPlus Volatility Column (20240704): BTC falls below 60,000

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SignalPlus Volatility Column (20240704): BTC falls below 60,000

SignalPlus Volatility Column (20240704): BTC falls below 60,000

Although Powell deliberately avoided the question of whether to cut interest rates in September during his speech on Tuesday and emphasized the two-way risks of adjusting monetary policy, yesterdays weak economic data still boosted market confidence in rate cuts. U.S. Treasury yields generally fell, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average down 0.06%, the Nasdaq closing up 0.88%, and the SP rising 0.5% to break its historical high agaiн.

SignalPlus Volatility Column (20240704): BTC falls below 60,000

Source: SignalPlus, Econimic Calendar

In terms of digital currency, the short-term positive news released at the macro level has not been able to dispel the haze hanging over the BTC prлед. According to reports, the German government transferred $172M worth of Bitcoin from its wallet to the three exchanges Coinbase, Kraken and Bitstamp. In addition, the US government also made a similar move some time ago (selling the payment for Silk Road), and the recent repayment of Mt. Gox have brought strong selling pressure to the market.

The BTC price also fell below the extremely important psychological support level of $60,000 today. It once fell below 57,000 and then rebounded to 58,000, resulting in a shortage of short-term put options for 5 JUL and 12 JUL, pushing the IV curve out of the recent ultra-low level and moving higher. At the same time, the 26 JUL call option was also sold in large quantities, and the market sentiment in the short term is quite pessimistic.

SignalPlus Volatility Column (20240704): BTC falls below 60,000

Source: Deribit (as of 4 JUL 16:00 UTC+8)

SignalPlus Volatility Column (20240704): BTC falls below 60,000

Источник: СигналПлюс

SignalPlus Volatility Column (20240704): BTC falls below 60,000

Источник данных: Deribit, общее распределение транзакций BTC.

SignalPlus Volatility Column (20240704): BTC falls below 60,000

Источник данных: Deribit, общее распределение транзакций ETH.

SignalPlus Volatility Column (20240704): BTC falls below 60,000

Источник: Deribit Block Trade.

SignalPlus Volatility Column (20240704): BTC falls below 60,000

Источник: Deribit Block Trade.

SignalPlus Volatility Column (20240704): BTC falls below 60,000

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This article is sourced from the internet: SignalPlus Volatility Column (20240704): BTC falls below 60,000

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Original author: Chloe, PANews On June 12, former US President Trump posted on Truth Social that he hopes that all remaining Bitcoins will be mined in the United States. In his post, Trump mentioned that this move is aimed at ensuring that key Bitcoin industries can remain in the United States to strengthen the countrys control over cryptocurrencies and economic influence. Presidential Roundtable on Bitcoin Mining Several bitcoin mining industry representatives met with former President Trump at Mar-a-Lago on Tuesday night, according to Matthew Schultz, executive chairman of bitcoin mining company CleanSpark Inc. Schultz said Trump told attendees that he likes and understands cryptocurrencies, adding that bitcoin miners help stabilize energy supply on the grid. Schultz also said Trump said he would advocate for miners at the White House. Dubbed…

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