LST 스테이킹 프로토콜 Sanctum의 최신 이벤트가 시작되었습니다. 18가지 애완동물 업그레이드를 완료하는 방법을 단계별로 알려드립니다.

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저자: 벤저

LST 스테이킹 프로토콜 Sanctum의 최신 이벤트가 시작되었습니다. 18가지 애완동물 업그레이드를 완료하는 방법을 단계별로 알려드립니다.

On April 29, Solana ecosystem LST staking protocol Sanctum officially announced that the user loyalty program Sanctum Wonderland has been officially launched. Users can use LST tokens to complete pet collection and community tasks to earn experience points to upgrade their pets.

Previously, Sanctum won the first place in the second voting project of Jupiter LFG Launchpad, and will be launched in May and June. Although it is not clearly stated, the Wonderland plan is regarded as an important part of Sanctums subsequent token issuance.

Today, Odaily Planet Daily will lead everyone to experience the plan step by step and prepare for the possible token airdrop.

Sanctum Project Overview

The LST liquidity aggregation protocol Sanctum is one of the recent hot projects in the Solana ecosystem. Since February 2021, the team has been committed to building liquidity staking on Solana. It has helped Solana Labs establish the SPL stake pool program and launched the first SPL stake pool Socean.

Sanctums goal is to build a SOL liquidity staking ecosystem and unlock key growth drivers for Solana DeFi and Solana as a whole. In the February 2024 voting introduction , the Sanctum team mentioned that 33% of SOL tokens were unstaked at the time, and among the staked SOL tokens, more than 95% of the staked assets were illiquid stakes, so Sanctum is committed to changing this situation.

By establishing a unified liquidity layer, planning to launch a thousand LST token pools, and distributing token ownership through LFG, Sanctum will take advantage of the (semi-)fungibility of LST (i.e. they are not truly different assets, they are just wrappers for the same equity account) to build a non-PVP liquidity staking environment (even better than Ethereum).

April 21,

On April 24, Sanctum published a statement on the X platform stating that the current ecosystem TVL has exceeded 2 million SOL (worth approximately US$270 million).

Sanctum Wonderland Project Overview

Wonderland is Sanctum s latest user loyalty program. While providing users with a certain amount of game fun, it also allows users to make full use of their SOL token assets. The main gameplay is to collect pets and earn experience points to upgrade them. In addition, users can also work together to complete community tasks and get more experience points in return.

Users only need to use Sanctum Liquid Staking Tokens (LST) worth at least 0.1 SOL to collect the corresponding pets. Just put LST in your wallet and the corresponding pet will gain experience points. For every LST token worth 1 SOL held , all pets can gain 10 experience points (EXP) per minute, which is the basic rate for earning experience.

에 따르면 the official pet information , there are 18 pets corresponding to different LST tokens, including Infinitie, Bonksie, and Clockie. Users only need 3 steps to participate in the event:

1. Log in to the Sanctum official event interface and connect to the Solana wallet;

2. After successfully connecting, enter the Sanctum Wonderland Introduction interface and follow the steps on the screen to register Wonderland;

3. Enter the referral code (such as 2 P 1 YWT ) to enter (Note: You can enter without using the referral code, but the referral code can only be used during the first login. If it is not used, you will not receive the corresponding reward later) .

It is worth mentioning that each address only corresponds to one unique referral code. The inviter will receive 5% of the invitee’s experience points in the form of referral experience points. For every 20,000 referral experience points earned, one referral cake will be obtained . All subsequent users who enter using the referral code will have the opportunity to win additional experience points at the end of the first season.

In addition, you can also gain experience bonuses by completing community tasks and community puzzles that are opened regularly. Therefore, my personal suggestion is to buy all 18 pets and increase your investment in key communities.

Sanctum Wonderland Pets specific operation and gameplay

The following is the specific operation process for participating in Sanctum Wonderland Pets:

1. Log in to 공식 웹사이트 and connect to your wallet. Enter the referral code 2 P 1 YWT or click on the invitation link directly .

LST 스테이킹 프로토콜 Sanctum의 최신 이벤트가 시작되었습니다. 18가지 애완동물 업그레이드를 완료하는 방법을 단계별로 알려드립니다.

2. Enter the guidance interface and click Continue.

LST 스테이킹 프로토콜 Sanctum의 최신 이벤트가 시작되었습니다. 18가지 애완동물 업그레이드를 완료하는 방법을 단계별로 알려드립니다.

3. Click on the pet listing under Sanctum Pets and select a community pet.

LST 스테이킹 프로토콜 Sanctum의 최신 이벤트가 시작되었습니다. 18가지 애완동물 업그레이드를 완료하는 방법을 단계별로 알려드립니다.

4. Taking Infinitie as an example, to purchase INF LST tokens, click “Buy INF”.

It is worth noting that the experience points of Infinitie pets are not only obtained from INF LST tokens, but can also be obtained from the following staking platform liquidity pools, and the experience point acquisition rate is also 10 EXP/minute:

LST 스테이킹 프로토콜 Sanctum의 최신 이벤트가 시작되었습니다. 18가지 애완동물 업그레이드를 완료하는 방법을 단계별로 알려드립니다.

5. Complete the INF token purchase. The following is just an example image. It is recommended to purchase at least 0.12 SOL to avoid the INF balance being less than 0.1 SOL due to fluctuations in the SOL: INF exchange rate.

LST 스테이킹 프로토콜 Sanctum의 최신 이벤트가 시작되었습니다. 18가지 애완동물 업그레이드를 완료하는 방법을 단계별로 알려드립니다.

6. Other matters needing attention:

  • There is no limit to the types of pets a user can own, but you can only own 1 of each type of pet. In other words, you can own a maximum of 18 types of pets;

  • When a user moves LST tokens (including 18 tokens such as INF, bonkSOL, clockSOL, etc.) from wallet A to wallet B, the previously obtained statistics (experience, pets, levels, etc.) will continue to remain in wallet A. Since some LST is moved out of wallet A, the proportion of EXP experience points obtained by wallet A will be reduced accordingly. Wallet B will be treated as a separate account, but the statistics related to wallet B will start from 0.

  • Experience points are calculated every 5 minutes.

  • The highest level of a pet is Lv.999, and once it reaches the evolution level it will evolve automatically without the user having to perform any other operations.

  • Each pet has a maximum of 3 evolutions.

  • Users need to hold at least 0.1 SOL of LST to allow their pets to grow and gain experience points. Once the LST balance in the wallet is less than 0.1 SOL, the pet will enter hibernation and stop earning experience points.

  • In addition, community puzzle solving is also an indispensable part. You should try to participate as much as possible. For example, the first round of community puzzle solving is to understand Infinitie and gain more experience points to upgrade the pet, that is, to exchange INF through Infinity under Sanctums official brand to allow the Infinitie pet to gain more experience.

LST 스테이킹 프로토콜 Sanctum의 최신 이벤트가 시작되었습니다. 18가지 애완동물 업그레이드를 완료하는 방법을 단계별로 알려드립니다.

Official community puzzle-solving interface, experience bonus will be obtained after completion

Summary: User loyalty program that makes the points system no longer boring

In the past, many projects’ user loyalty programs adopted a simple and crude points system, stimulating user participation and asset deposits by increasing scores and changing interfaces. However, when similar programs become highly homogenized, it is easy for people to become aesthetically fatigued, which leads to a significant reduction in participation enthusiasm.

As the Solana ecosystem liquidity staking aggregation protocol, Sanctum adopted a micro-innovation approach to launch its own user loyalty program, namely the Wonderland program: on the one hand, this is a pet training game, and users will choose different types of pets they like to participate; on the other hand, different pets represent different communities. 18 kinds of pets can attract many community users to participate and spontaneously spread the activity, attracting more attention to this plan.

According to Sanctum’s official introduction , this is just the beginning of the first season of activities, and more will be launched in the future. We will also have the opportunity to see more different types of pets, as well as the changes after different pets are upgraded. Today, as the gameplay of the LST liquidity staking track is gradually solidified, gamified user operation activities may bring some new changes to this track.

This article is sourced from the internet: LST staking protocol Sanctum’s latest event is here, teaching you step by step how to complete 18 pet upgrades

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