
TON पर पहली नज़र: खाते, टोकन, लेनदेन और संपत्ति सुरक्षा

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Original author: Johan


TON (The Open Network) is a decentralized blockchain platform originally designed and developed by the Telegram team. TONs goal is to provide a high-performance and scalable blockchain platform to support large-scale decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts.

TON is so special. It is easy to use. It is deeply integrated with Telegram, allowing ordinary people to easily use tokens. It is also complex. It has a completely different architecture from other blockchains and uses the non-mainstream FunC smart contract language. Today we will discuss the characteristics of TON and the security of user assets from the perspectives of accounts, tokens, and transactions.

Features of TON

Account Generation

The way TON account address is generated is different from most blockchains. It is a smart contract address. First, start with a private key. TON mainly uses the Ed 25519 algorithm to generate a public key. The generation process is as follows:

TON पर पहली नज़र: खाते, टोकन, लेनदेन और संपत्ति सुरक्षा

There are two forms of public keys. One is the original public key calculated from the private key, which looks like:


The other is a beautified public key, which carries some information and check bits of the public key, such as: Pubjns2gp7DGCnEH7EOWeCnb6Lw1akm538YYaz6sdLVHfRB2

It is naive to think that you can get the account address just by getting the public key, just like Ethereum. Just having the users public key is not enough to calculate the users account address. We just said that the users account address is a smart contract address, but we dont even have an account, how can we deploy a smart contract? The correct order is to calculate the address first, receive a little initial amount of tokens, and then deploy the contract. The calculation process of the account address is shown in the figure below:

TON पर पहली नज़र: खाते, टोकन, लेनदेन और संपत्ति सुरक्षा

The users address also has multiple forms. The first is the original form, which looks like:


And user-friendly forms like:











A careful observation of these addresses shows that they differ only in the first and last characters. The `account_id` in the middle is the same, but we still cannot see the relationship between the public key and the account address. In fact, the mystery lies in the `initial data` at the beginning, which contains a users public key, through which the user controls the ownership of the wallet contract. `workchainId` is easy to understand. TON is not just a single chain. It is composed of a lot of shards. Each shard is part of the entire network and handles a specific set of accounts and transactions. In order to locate and manage smart contracts, it is necessary to clearly indicate which shard they are located in. What is the difference between `Bounceable` and `Non-bounceable`? This is related to the working mechanism of smart contracts. Lets continue to look down.

Wallet Contract

The following is a source code of a user wallet contract. It can be seen that it reads 4 parameters (stored_seqno, stored_subwallet, public_key, plugins) when receiving the users message:


() recv_external(slice in_msg) impure {

var signature = in_msg~load_bits(512);

var cs = in_msg;

var (subwallet_id, valid_until, msg_seqno) = (cs~load_uint( 32), cs~load_uint( 32), cs~load_uint( 32));

throw_if( 36, valid_until

var ds = get_data().begin_parse();

var (stored_seqno, stored_subwallet, public_key, plugins) = (ds~load_uint( 32), ds~load_uint( 32), ds~load_uint( 256), ds~load_dict()); ;;##The Initial Data


throw_unless( 33, msg_seqno == stored_seqno);

throw_unless( 34, subwallet_id == stored_subwallet);

throw_unless( 35, check_signature(slice_hash(in_msg), signature, public_key));



Thats right. When deploying this users wallet contract, some initial parameters need to be passed in, including a 256-bit public_key information, which ensures that each user has an independent contract address when using the same contract code. All transactions initiated by the user need to sign `in_msg`, and then verify the signature (check_signature) through their own wallet contract, and then the contract will call all operations on the chain. From this we can also infer that a users public key can actually correspond to countless wallet addresses. You only need to deploy wallets with different source codes or different initialization data to get completely different contract addresses.

Jetton Token

Token is the representation of assets on the chain, so it is a basic element that we need to understand. Jetton is the standard form of TON token. Jetton consists of two contracts, Jetton-minter and Jetton-wallet:

TON पर पहली नज़र: खाते, टोकन, लेनदेन और संपत्ति सुरक्षा

When a token is issued, a Jetton-minter contract is created. The contract initialization records the total amount of tokens, administrators, wallet codes and other information.

When tokens are distributed to users, the Minter contract will deploy a wallet contract for the user and record the users balance, ownership, token Minter contract address, user wallet code and other information when the contract is initialized. Each user will deploy a contract independently. Note that the contract created here is a wallet contract for managing specific Jetton tokens, which is different from the users account wallet contract. The owner_address here records the users account wallet address.

When user Alice transfers money to user Bob, the calling relationship is as follows:

TON पर पहली नज़र: खाते, टोकन, लेनदेन और संपत्ति सुरक्षा

Alice signs the off-chain APP and issues operation instructions by calling her wallet contract. These instructions will further call her token wallet to transfer the token. When Bobs token wallet receives the token, it will notify Bobs wallet contract (that is, the Owner address of Bob Jetton-wallet). If there is any remaining Gas during the transaction, it will also be returned to the response address, usually Alices account contract.

This is a Jetton token transfer parsed by the Tonviewer browser:

TON पर पहली नज़र: खाते, टोकन, लेनदेन और संपत्ति सुरक्षा

An ERC 20 transfer requires at least one contract call, while a Jetton token transfer requires at least four contracts. This is done to allow transfers to be performed concurrently on the chain, improving transaction efficiency.


When certain events occur to an account in TON, it triggers a transaction. The most common event is receiving a message. The transaction includes the following:

  • The incoming message that initially triggered the contract (there are special triggering methods)

  • Contract actions caused by incoming messages, such as updating the contracts storage (optional)

  • Outgoing messages to other participants (optional)

TON पर पहली नज़र: खाते, टोकन, लेनदेन और संपत्ति सुरक्षा

There are several features to note when trading:

1. Asynchronous: TON transactions are not completed in one call. It may need to pass messages to multiple different smart contracts to execute a series of calls. Due to different routings in the shard chain, TON cannot guarantee the order of message passing between multiple smart contracts.

2. Handling Fees: The asynchronous nature also brings a problem, that is, the consumed handling fees are difficult to estimate. Therefore, when initiating a transaction, the wallet usually sends more tokens as handling fees. If the called contract has a good handling fee processing mechanism, the remaining handling fees will eventually be returned to the users wallet. Users may observe that the wallet tokens suddenly become less, and then increase again after a few minutes. This is the reason.

3. Bounce: Bounce is an error handling mechanism of the contract. When the called contract does not exist or throws an error, if the transaction is set to be bounceable, a bounced message will be bounced back to the calling contract. For example: if a user initiates a transfer and the calling process goes wrong, a bounce message is needed so that the users wallet contract can restore its balance. Almost all internal messages sent between smart contracts should be bounceable, that is, their bounce bit should be set.

Asset Security

TON has many features that pose security issues, so users also need to be aware of some common pitfalls.

Fee Withholding Attack

As mentioned above, wallets often need to send more fees to prevent transaction execution failures, which gives attackers an opportunity to do evil. If you are a TON wallet user, you may have encountered such a situation. You always receive various NFTs or tokens in your wallet. You thought they were just some junk token airdrops, but when you checked the transaction information, you found that they could be sold for a lot of money? However, when initiating a transaction, you find that the required fee is extremely high (1 TON). At this time, you need to pay attention, as this may be a fee scam.

TON पर पहली नज़र: खाते, टोकन, लेनदेन और संपत्ति सुरक्षा

The attacker used a carefully constructed token contract to make the wallets estimated transfer fee extremely high, but in actual execution, only the fee was intercepted and no transfer message was sent.

First and last number fishing

Phishing with the first and last digits is not unique to TON, but exists in all major public chains. The attacker will generate a high-imitation account with the same first and last digits for each user address on the entire network. When the user sends a transfer, the attacker also sends a small transfer with the high-imitation account, with the purpose of leaving a record in the users payment record. When the recipient wants to transfer a token back, he may copy the address from the historical record, and it is likely to be copied to the attackers address, resulting in the transfer to the wrong address. The attacker can accurately grasp the users behavior.

comment fishing

TON can add a comment when transferring money to note the transaction information. This function is frequently used when recharging on exchanges. Exchanges usually require users to note their user ID when recharging. However, this function is often used maliciously. Attackers write fraudulent information in the comments to defraud users assets. As shown in the figure:

TON पर पहली नज़र: खाते, टोकन, लेनदेन और संपत्ति सुरक्षा

Users need to pay special attention to the Anonymous Telegram Number NFT. If a user opens a TG number with an Anonymous Telegram Number but does not enable Two-Step Verification, once the NFT is phished away, hackers can directly log in to the target TG number and carry out subsequent asset theft and fraud.

Smart Contract Vulnerabilities

Security vulnerabilities in smart contracts can cause users to lose funds placed in smart contracts. Users need to choose projects that have been well audited. TONs smart contracts are mainly programmed in FunC language, and some use more advanced Tact or lower-level Fift, which are highly original languages. New programming languages will bring new security risks, especially for developers. They need to have good habits of secure programming, master best security practices, and undergo strict security audits before deploying to production environments. Due to space limitations, this article does not discuss contract security.

Fake recharge attack

Wallet or exchange users need to be aware of fake deposit attacks, which generally fall into two categories:

  • Fake currency, the attacker issues a token with the same metadata as the target token. If the automated account entry program does not check whether this is the correct minter contract, it will lead to incorrect account entry.

  • Bounce, TONs transfer process requires a call relationship between the wallet contracts of two users. If the recipients wallet contract does not exist and the transaction is set to Bounceable, the message will be bounced and the original funds will be returned to the sender after deducting the handling fee. Friends who are interested in the details can check out our previously disclosed fake recharge article.


This article introduces some basic technical principles of TON from the perspectives of TONs public and private key creation, wallet contracts, token forms, transaction characteristics, etc. It also discusses possible security issues that may exist in the process of using TON, hoping to bring inspiration to everyones learning.

Reference Links:



This article is sourced from the internet: First look at TON: Accounts, Tokens, Transactions and Asset Security

संबंधित: फोर्ब्स: 2024 की पहली छमाही में $1 बिलियन से अधिक बाजार मूल्य वाली शीर्ष 10 मुद्राएँ

मूल लेखक: 1912212.eth, फ़ॉरेस्ट न्यूज़ इस साल की शुरुआत में बिटकॉइन स्पॉट ETF को आधिकारिक तौर पर ट्रेडिंग के लिए मंज़ूरी मिलने के बाद, क्रिप्टो मार्केट में काफ़ी उछाल आया है। बिटकॉइन के अलावा, कुछ MEME कॉइन ने भी बहुत अच्छा प्रदर्शन किया है। हालाँकि इस साल अप्रैल से बाजार में गिरावट का रुख रहा है, फिर भी कुछ टोकन का कुल मिलाकर अच्छा प्रदर्शन रहा है। हाल ही में, फोर्ब्स ने 2024 की पहली छमाही में $1 बिलियन से अधिक के बाजार मूल्य के साथ शीर्ष दस सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्रदर्शन करने वाली क्रिप्टोकरेंसी की घोषणा की, जिसमें WIF, PEPE, ASI, FLOKI, JASMY, AR, CORE, TON, BGB और BONK शामिल हैं। यह ध्यान देने योग्य है कि MEME 4 सूचियों पर कब्जा करता है, और उनमें से 3 सोलाना इकोसिस्टम से संबंधित हैं। WIF सोलाना इकोसिस्टम MEME कॉइन, जिसकी कुल आपूर्ति लगभग 998 मिलियन है।…

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