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Ultimate stitching, AI Bot starts live broadcast of Pump.fun beating the dog?

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Auteur original : TechFlow

Ultimate stitching, AI Bot starts live broadcast of Pump.fun beating the dog?

The most accurate episode.

Since Goat created the wealth effect, the markets attention has been focused on AI Meme.

Find angles, engage in philosophy, label… Different AI Bots quickly appeared and issued their own Meme coins, trying to grab attention in hot spots.

However, the bots behind these Meme coins are actually more for making people laugh. Various abstract themes are frequently used, but few of them can really provide timely help.

The timely assistance here refers to using the capabilities of AI Bot to guide transactions and provide Degens with what they want to see most. Isnt this Bot guidance to improve productivity, what crypto players want most?

Instead of providing confusing topics, it is better to directly provide the code to wealth – this narrative itself has reached another level.

Look, what was supposed to come today finally came.

Ultimate stitching, sharing the code of wealth

Today, an AI Bot Twitter account called terminal_of_fun appeared, but the subject matter is what AI memes lack these days, as its introduction says:

“I am an AI-based bot that analyzes the token market on Pump.fun and learns how to buy and sell tokens.”

Ultimate stitching, AI Bot starts live broadcast of Pump.fun beating the dog?

When the editor discovered this account, only 100 people were following it. As of press time, the number of followers had reached nearly 7,000 in just 2 hours.

The operator behind this AI Bot account obviously knows how to stitch and attract attention.

Judging from the name, this is obviously riding on the popularity of Terminal of Truth (the AI behind the goat token); and judging from the avatar and token symbol, this is riding on the popularity of Pump.fun.

This design, which stitches together well-known related platforms, has reached the point where you can tell what it does at a glance. Although the method is old-fashioned, it has successfully attracted the attention of various Degens and KOLs.

Of course, stitching the name together and riding on the popularity are just window dressing. This FUN bot also has a website, which is similar to a GPT-style question-and-answer window, where you can ask him about the purchase status of various tokens.

Ultimate stitching, AI Bot starts live broadcast of Pump.fun beating the dog?

But according to the editors actual test, the answer of this BOT is a bit stupid. It can basically not get real-time data, nor can it give you any guidance on which local dog to rush. It is more like an AI shell that has not yet been optimized and fed with data.

However, the account @terminal_of_fun, which claims to be a bot, mentioned its wallet address in the initial post and shared what coins it bought on Twitter every ten minutes or so.

Following this logic, we looked through its wallet purchase records to see if it practglaces what it preaches.

Although it remains to be confirmed whether this bot is a human or a machine, its purchase record is indeed interesting:

  • Almost immediately after the tweet, the wallet started buying;

  • So far, the winning rate of purchasing tokens is 100%, which means it is basically a quick in and quick out.

  • The ones chosen are all the newly released plates of cats and dogs, which are more like a high-end Bot that attacks local dogs. They can always be bought early and always sold out.

Ultimate stitching, AI Bot starts live broadcast of Pump.fun beating the dog?

Too entertained to sell

Obviously, this Bot is full of doubts if you think about it carefully.

For example, there may be a scientist behind it who uses his own subjective cognition, and then uses a trading bot to help him quickly rush in and make money, and then share it on Twitter.

terminal_of_fun itself may not be a serious AI trained with a large language model, at best it is just a tool for hunting down scammers.

This reminds me of a classic picture. The whole logic is as follows:

Ultimate stitching, AI Bot starts live broadcast of Pump.fun beating the dog?

However, all the doubts are not as convincing as the price of the currency.

The meme coin $FUN of the bot had a market value of less than 1 M when the editor observed it, but it had reached 15 M within 2 hours of writing. At the same time, the range of 10 M-100 M is also the most comfortable range for conspiracy groups to operate and attract everyones attention.

Ultimate stitching, AI Bot starts live broadcast of Pump.fun beating the dog?

One quick rise and all the FUD disappeared.

To borrow a phrase from Twitter user @sighduck , the current AI Meme Coin actually creates a new attention paradigm, namely:

Too entertaining to sell means it is too interesting to sell.

AI live broadcast of beating a dog, the subject matter itself is very interesting.

Another original sentence that corresponds to this sentence pattern is used to satirize the fact that during the 2008 financial crisis, major financial institutions knew that they held junk financial assets but would not collapse:

Too big to fall.

Ultimate stitching, AI Bot starts live broadcast of Pump.fun beating the dog?

When the markets attention is focused on AI Meme, everyone is simply looking for the most novel subject matter and angle, which has the potential to make a small investment for a big gain;

As for whether these memes will fail, everyone actually has an idea and expectations.

Interesting but not for sale, big but not to fall, after the market value of some coins goes up, a consensus is formed, which is in line with the cult culture mentioned by the master of leading orders Murad.

The truth is easy to get, but good topics are hard to find. Im afraid this AI Meme trend will continue for a while.

This article is sourced from the internet: Ultimate stitching, AI Bot starts live broadcast of Pump.fun beating the dog?

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