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Penetrating Monad’s social magic, how to maximize the power of culture and community?

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As a Web3 investor and marketer, I have seen countless projects, but only a handful of them can truly take culture and community to the extreme.

Monad is one of those rare success stories. Their community strategy is worth learning from for every entrepreneur. Today I will briefly talk about the Achilles heel of Monads community management in my eyes: cultural tension, spiritual motivation, biblical guidelines for community culture, gamification mechanisms, localized offline activities, purification rituals, and user-centered managers.

1. Monad’s cultural tension

Monad did not stop at the traditional technical narrative, but introduced Meme culture and integrated it into the genes of the brand and community.

Purple is Monad’s brand color. But now, purple Pepe is not just a simple brand symbol, but has gradually evolved into a symbol of “everything can be integrated with purple”.

Penetrating Monad’s social magic, how to maximize the power of culture and community?

Whether it is creativity, technology, or cultural expression, as long as it is in the Monad community, it can find its place. This color unity and symbolism sends a clear signal:

In the Monad ecosystem, everything is possible; in Monad, everything is inclusive.

2. Mental motivation is the core of Monads success

The best community management geniuses often focus more on spiritual rewards rather than just token purchases . In my opinion, this is one of the keys to Monad’s success.

For example, every day users in the community spontaneously contribute their ideas, and excellent ideas will be reposted and linked by Monad Twitter. Although there is no monetary reward, everyone is willing to participate because they know that their works will be officially recognized and amplified.

This is a model of advanced community management – giving users a sense of participation and recognition, so that users come not for tokens, but to be recognized and participate .

Monads spiritual encouragement makes community members feel that they are an important part of the projects success, rather than just spectators. This design not only builds loyalty, but also inspires the continued creativity and enthusiasm of community users.

3. A Biblical Guide to Community Culture

The Monad team is not a cold management role, but more like a meticulous pastor, providing detailed Bible guidance to every newcomer.

This Bible contains an overview of community activities, a member growth system, and other key information , presented in a clear and concise manner to help every new user quickly understand and integrate into Monads culture.

Just like the teaching of doctrine in religious ceremonies, Monad allows every member to feel guided and cared for in this way. This will greatly help users strengthen their faith in Monad.

Penetrating Monad’s social magic, how to maximize the power of culture and community?

4. Monad turns the community into an interactive game

Monads gamification mechanism makes the community vibrant. Members can earn XP by interacting and participating in activities, and unlock special roles through recognition from the official team and other members. In short, Monad turns simple chats into games, allowing users to immerse themselves in it without realizing it.

Why is it designed this way? This mechanism makes people more motivated to continue participating, because there are new achievements waiting to be unlocked at each step. This is the clever use of game psychology in community management, which stimulates users continued participation and active interaction.

5. Offline activities: A true community extends both online and offline

I have become numb to global blockchain events, and I believe many of my friends have similar feelings. Project owners attend conferences year after year, and they are always faced with a group of familiar faces. For example, at an event like Dubai Blockchain Week, there were more than 300 side events alone!

Remember: instead of using your year-round offline strategy to repeatedly run Blockchain Week + host your own side events, it is better to increase offline activities focused on local communities and developers.

When your Discord or Telegram community has established a strong brand culture, local meetups can further deepen this identity and truly unite a group of loyal supporters . Monad has successfully achieved this through continuous local community and developer events.

You know, a real community extends in both online and offline directions.

6. Purification Ritual

Crazy community event Thursday Purgeday. Every Thursday, Monad will clean up inactive members, and only the most active users who really care about the project can stay in the exclusive chat channel.

This purification ceremony shows Monads absolute confidence in the communitys activity! The core fans are gathered together to form a highly active discussion circle. When new users come in, they will also be infected by this strong community culture. Everyone cherishes and is proud to be a part of Monad.

You see, Monads make a fine art of playing with mental rewards and punishments.

Penetrating Monad’s social magic, how to maximize the power of culture and community?

7. User-centered managers

Monads community is active, and no matter in a bull or bear market, almost no one discusses cashing in or coin prhielos.

Here, I would like to pay special tribute to Bill Monday, who is the Community Leader of Monad. If my research is correct, after he joined Monad, the community culture and consensus have been elevated to a whole new level. He is not only active in DC, but also often organizes community AMAs on Twitter.

Of course, I dont know the internal situation of Monad, and the success of the community is definitely not just due to him alone, but his contribution is undoubtedly huge.

Many companies tend to ignore the value of marketers, especially community managers . They are the people closest to users and the bridge between projects and users. Only those who truly care about users and are passionate about their projects can create such community power.

This article is sourced from the internet: Penetrating Monad’s social magic, how to maximize the power of culture and community?

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